Easy Rewards

Easy Rewards

During my CSCC01 - Introduction to Software Engineering, the class was split into teams of 5 and given a couple projects to choose to develop.

Our team, Team 404 Software Ninjas, chose to work on a rewards app that allows restaurant owners to create an achievement based system for their customers to earn rewards. It could also have applications elsewhere (e.g. teachers could use a rewards based system for finishing homework or good behaviour, etc and earn things like pencils/erasers/etc).

Languages/Frameworks used:


HUGE shout out to my team for making this such an enjoyable project: Jackson, Alice, Wilson, and Mahdiya.

Below are some photos of our app. The first is the customer’s homepage, showing a list of restaurants and the customer’s progressed achievements. The second is an example of a restaurant owner’s profile page.

Customer homepage Restaurant profile page
Author face

Nyah Way

Computer science specialist and the University of Toronto alumni, now pursuing her full-time career at Google.

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