Mini Terminal

Mini Terminal

The mini terminal is a way to view my portfolio site by using the terminal (with very reduced capabilities) to navigate.

The current commands it accepts are:

ls              # views current directory files
cd <DIRECTORY>  # change the current directory to DIRECTORY
pwd             # print the path to the current directory
cat <FILE/LINK> # view a file or link
clear           # clears the terminal

I thought this would be a fun project to try out since I enjoy using the terminal to get around. It’s also a fun easter egg on my site since the only direct link to it is on this page.

Click here to access the terminal!

Languages/Frameworks used:


I’ve been considering expanding the functionality, but am unsure what I should add. If you have suggestions, contact me!

Author face

Nyah Way

Computer science specialist and the University of Toronto alumni, now pursuing her full-time career at Google.

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